Jumamosi, 6 Mei 2017

Stabilisation is a process of improving the road construction materials to achieve the required engineering properties like durability,strength, stability,permeability etc
Zym technology Can be described as the magnificent approach of biological stabilisation which uses special plant enzymatic solution in stabilizing road construction materials(soils and gravels).Sometimes it is referred as zym-tec technology. It is the fabulous approach to deal with problematic soils.
Zym tecTM
This is natural non-toxic and non-pollutant liquid green product which is highly concentrated liquid stabiliser and re-conditioning solution-based on bio-enzymatic soil stabiliser that can be used with the onsite local soil that requires stabilisation and re-conditioning(maintenance).
Zym tec is formulated with an enzyme-rich material that has been tailored to provide the ‘lock’ for numerous soil materials or particles and promote the desired alteration of their properties causing rapid cementation process to occur. It is also blended with a bio-degradable surfactant that reduces surface tension, bringing the enzymes in closer contact with soil materials.
This technology was founded in Ramat Hagolan(North part of israel) by Mr.Yoseph Atoon.
This technology has been recognized worldwide, obtaining the European Union, U.S, Israel and Asian certifications(safety and green certificates) for its application in road infrastructure projects in many countries throughout the world. This technology has been patented in 96 countries including Tanzania.
In Tanzania, by using this technology a road was constructed by The Divine connection company at Kimara suka golani-Dar es salaam for 250m long to justify the magnificence of this technology.

Features of zym-tecTM
Organic catalysts
 Liquid proteins
 Bio-emulsifiers
 Water soluble
 Hypoallergenic
 Completely Biodegradeble
 Independent of bacteria or fungi
 Non-toxic
 Non-flammable
 Non-corrosive
 Safe for discharge in soil, water, Storm Sewers and Waste systems

The unique features of Zym-TecTM
 The soil treated with Zym-TecTM renders improved density values by reducing the void ratios to a large extent together with plasticity,which results in an overall improvement in the California Bearing Ratio about 800-1000% and above, depending on soil type.
 It facilitates higher soil compaction densities, and increases soil strength and stability for lasting roads.
 Zym-TecTM replaces Soling and WBM of conventional road structure.
 Zym-TecTM also reduces the crust thickness of asphalt layers.
 Zym-TecTM also proves to increase the road quality and decreases the maintenance cost.
Advantages offered by Zym-Tec
 As Zym-TecTM is treats the clay within the soil at a particle level, a very small quantity per m2 is required.i.e
2.5 litres of zym 6000 litres of water
X litres of zym ‘L’ litres of water
X = [2.56000]L
 With Zym-TecTM there is far greater use of the on site materials and the costly exercise of transporting borrow pit materials is largely eliminated. Also it is possible to construct a roadbase by mixing with zym without removing the existing problematic soils and the road becomes safer and durable compared to the one constructed by conventional approaches where by it will show distresses during in-service period. The problematic soils are categorized as
1. Expansive soils: are those that exhibit particularly large volumetric changes(swell and shrinkage) following variations in their in-service moisture contents.
2. Dispersive soils/Sodic soils: are those in which the clay content has a high percentage of sodium.The presence of water will overcome and eliminate the interparticle forces,the particles wll move apart and for a colloidal solution. Presence of sodium ions may be known by performing chemical test.
3. Saline soils: they contain high level salt e.g NaCl
OR there can be presence of saline water in the ground.
4. Organic soils
 As the cost of Zym-TecTM is far lower, it allows many more kilometers of road to be built with the same budget or, alternatively, as far less is spent on the layer works of the road to be built with the same budget, more money can be utilized for a seal or accompanying works(drainage mechanisms,curbs etc).
 Where suitable gravels exist, the treatment of these materials with Zym-TecTM minimizes deterioration should penetration of water beneath the seal occur maintenance and repair workis restricted to that of the seal.
 Unlike conventional stablizers, there is no working period or time limit when stabilizing a layer with Zym-TecTM. This adds a further potential cost saving to users during rainy season or in the event of machinery downtime.
 This technology is environmental friend i.e it reduces carbon footprint.
Carbon footprint is the total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event,organisation,product and expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent.
It is less expensive
It is expensive
By this technology 1km can constructed per day
It is a tedious approach
It is fabulous method capable to deal with problematic soils
It is restricted to construct over the surface characterized by problematic soils
It is environment friend by reducing carbon footprint,do not pollute underground water
Environmwnt not friend

The application of this technology requires no specialised machinery or construction procedure and the standard method of the construction is followed using a water truck, motor grader and a compactor/grader.

Tools and Equipments Used for the Trial:‐
1. 20 T vibratory Compactor
2. Crumble Plover with Tractor
3. 10,000 Litres water Tanker
4. JCB
5. Rototiller
6. Enzymes imported from abroad
7. Labours
8. Tools and Equipments required in carrying out test

1. Compaction test.
2. Calfornia Bearing Ratio test.
3. Atterburg limit tests.
4. Field density test – Sand Replacement Apparatus.
5. Permeability test.
6. D.C.P
7. Chemical composition test.


Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni